Narcissist, Sociopath, Racist……. (Ania Ziolkowska)


Louis Vuitton - RACIST

Louis Vuitton – RACIST


Ania Anicca / Ania Ziolkowska, current day, at a drug infested psytrance party in Warsaw, Poland, March 2014 She’s the one smiling, to the right, dressed all in black. We’ll talk about her massive weight gain in another blog.

Ania Ziolkowska Destroys and runs. Here she is dancing at Riou, October 18th, 2015 In queens, at Psychill Psysundays. Ania Ziolkowska Knocked out my teeth, then "punished" herself by jumping on another dick, and partying around New York City.

Ania Ziolkowska Destroys and runs. Here she is dancing at Riou, October 18th, 2015 In queens, at Psychill Psysundays.
Ania Ziolkowska Knocked out my teeth, then “punished” herself by jumping on another dick, and partying around New York City.

I stopped cold, my heart stopped, I nearly dropped the muffler on my head.
I was frozen, and it was over 75 degrees F

I just couldn’t believe she said it.

Someone I cared about, and was willing to die for, and would have done anything for, using the worst possible term in the worst possible way, for no reason at all.

If I had attacked Ania Ziolkowska, now going by “Ania Anicca” (A subject to be touched on in another entry), I could almost understand it.
Hell, if I had called her a bitch or a cunt, it might have been justified.

But that’s not what happened.

All I did was ask her, for the third time

“Ania, could you please hold the flashlight lower? I can’t see what I’m doing.” 

That’s it.
THAT is what got the response that opens this experience.

We had bought a Jaguar XJ-S, a 1989, from a gentleman in Connecticut, and driven it back to Woodbridge, VA, where we both lived.
Ania has just been fired from the position I had arranged for her to get, when she was let go from a receptionist position she had been doing a week before.

So she would not have to wait for me, I gave her the keys to the Jag, and told her she could go home and get me later, when I got off.

We worked at the same place.

It turns out that one of the exhaust hangers, a special order item, had rusted through, and the muffler fell off, and Ania had been dragging it behind her.

The FIRST thing I told Ania, when she told me what had happened, was it wasn’t her fault. 

It could have happened to ANYONE, it just happened to happen to her.

Not her fault.

I didn’t blame her, and I told her so.

Apparently that didn’t matter.


That’s what I got, from the blonde haired, blue eyed, Polish, white girl, while I was lying under the car, in a Wal-Mart parking lot, trying to find a way to hang the muffler, so we could get home, no longer dragging it under us.

And it wasn’t the last time Ania Ziolkowska, Ania Anicca, or whatever she wants to call herself now, as she vagabonds around the world, scamming family members, pretending she is suddenly a “spiritual yogini”, committing adultery with the ugliest white guy anyone has ever seen, Chris “Exeris” Sevanick

“He looks like a thumb….” 

That was one of the most recent descriptions, by my 21 year old female friend, before she showed the picture of “Exeris” (my god, these nicknames, they do not FIT. The latin it comes from is everything BUT an accurate description of HIM…..) to her friends, and her girlfriend.

“He is NOT an attractive man.” 

Is another description of “Exeris” (I’m sorry, but I chuckle every time I see the name, type the name, HEAR THE NAME) was the description given by several other females that have seen him.

But I digress.

This is not about THAT joke of a human being, but about Ania Ziolkowska, Racist Covert Stealth Narcissist Sociopath.

We could say one could not fault Ania, due to her father, Christoff Ziolkowska (whom Ania attempted to fool me for YEARS, into believing his name was “Ziolkowski”, however the name on their Deed to their house, is “Ziolkowska”. Ania tried Gaslighting for YEARS…..), also being a racist.

The first time I met him, I was standing in their second home (yes, Ania’s family is comfortably well off, I didn’t learn till MUCH later, while Christoff would complain how hard it was to make it in this country, but has a sailing yacht, and for years, two homes, completely paid off, and in relatively high dollar areas of Lake Ridge, VA) standing in front of him with my three year old niece, reaching out my hand to shake his.

“Get out of my house.”

Was all I got in return.

Not even a hand shake.

As I walked out, I just chuckled……..

………….and then had to explain to a three year old what racism was.

Ania Anicca / Ania Ziolkowska would use racial slurs as a way to erode my self esteem and confidence

Ania Anicca / Ania Ziolkowska would use racial slurs as a way to erode my self esteem and confidence

But I wasn’t the only black man Ania Ziolkowska had ever dated.

There was one before me.

Charles Gudet

And, apparently, Ania’s father, Christoff, liked him, probably because he was lighter than me, probably because his father worked for one of the alphabet agencies in DC, probably because he had had a trust fund, that Ania promptly conned and cajoled him into spending……..ON HER.

Every penny.

Ania Ziolkowska bled him dry.

I met Charles, when we moved to Old Town, Alexandria, because that is where Ania wanted to move, one of the most expensive cities in Virginia, bordering DC.

I should have realized THEN what Ania was, but I still didn’t.

I was blinded by love………..

THAT will NEVER happen again.

Ania never apologized.

I should be fair……Ania never apologized without being told she NEEDED to apologize.

This was a constant issue with Ania, the fact she would do horrendous things to you, THINGS SHE WOULD NOT ALLOW DONE TO HER, and she would NEVER apologize.

Not once

I waited to see if she would realize what she did was wrong. If she would have any sense of remorse, any awareness to even NOTICE HOW IT AFFECTED ME.

I waited a week

She did not care.
Ania Anicca / Ania Ziolkowksa did not have one iota of care, of empathy, of compassion, for how she treated me, at all.
Ania’s only concern was Ania.

I finally told her she needed to apologize for what she said, for what she did.
“But, I thought that was okay? Like when someone says ‘Nigga, please!’ That’s not okay?”

Okay, hold on a second.
I know we should get on to what the worth is of an apology you have to ask for, but let’s hold off on THAT for a second.

The real issue here is how do you live in the suburbs of Woodbridge, Virginia, go to the high school WE BOTH went to, live in the United States since you were SEVEN YEARS OLD, NOW TWENTY EIGHT (at the time), and NOT know that you don’t say that to a black man, especially one that has never conducted himself as the average black man (the stereotype), and is someone you claim to love??????

And I, stupidly falling for this act, explained to her how they were different things, and it was NOT okay.

A black and a white dog, getting along

Animals don’t know or care about Racism

But, even after all of this, that wasn’t the last time she did it.

Angry Wolfeboro residents called for a police commissioner to resign after he admitted using a the “N – Word” to describe the president. The worst part is he admits it, but will not apologize. #WTF
Screen Shot 2014-03-15 at 10.24.45 AM

That wasn’t the last time Ania Anicca / Ania Ziolkowska called me a nigger, unprovoked, and uncalled for.

(To be continued)

You deserve a treat after all of that, so here you go.


9 thoughts on “Narcissist, Sociopath, Racist……. (Ania Ziolkowska)

  1. I have said that narcissist people are just fine living in there lies; breathing underwater and maybe they look happy. Today I will say, the eyes never lie & they scream dissatisfaction. So they travel now and go to parties but the eyes do not show inner peace. My response is out of sheer frustration with how racist and ignorant these types of people are. Since I would never care to know these two personally I can only go by what knowledge I have, and as a single mother and educated individual in LIFE, I must say; with confidence, those enabling them are of poor moral character. Racists can only damage the future and I most certainly do not want my daughter to believe in “colors” representing anything besides a rainbow. They say they love you then hurt you, drying out your skin of whatever color, just to selfishly improve themselves. Then when you are empty, warm pockets, and tired eyes, they go find someone who will be happy with them as a racist, since they are SO happy with how they are living within their bigotry. Well, that is not life as humanity intended. Will they always just party and never grow up? Will they pick and choose people based on the cover because their minds are closed to anything else? I believed the idea behind artists and musicians, yoga and love was to embrace trust, beauty, and forgiveness, above all compassion. The root of the problem goes beyond racists but embodies pure misrepresentation and skewed reality. Disregard that they are racists but realize they lack any real beauty in this world & are purely superficial. We don’t go out looking for broken glass posing as a diamond, when we can have the real thing. Ignorance is bliss, yes? But that is just it, we can’t ALL be ignorant. But as they will, racist and fake, let them live in their ignorance as society does find ways to filter these types out until the gems are discovered. Be proud that you broke free from the abuse you suffered and although the scars are left there, they are your right of passage into a life they will only dream of; a life of enlightenment without the need for lies and racism.


    • Thank you.
      And you are correct.
      The next blog will actually touch upon what you just stated, and how this particular narcissist is currently being manipulated by another narcissist, and had always allowed herself to be manipulated by narcissists.


      She never chose to be comfortable around genuine people because she’s only CHOSEN a to be familiar with manipulative people, and manipulates genuine people herself.

      Vicious cycle.

      It’s too late for her now, though.


  2. Wow. So I google a long lost friend and this is how I find you! Hey man it’s Mike Davis, from the old days. My facebook is jeffrey michael davis jr, hit me up. I live in stafford now, no longer with dorothy.


  3. Pingback: The Covert Narcissist – The Chameleon | Neon Plastic Lotus

  4. Pingback: Narcissist, Sociopath, Racist……. (Ania Anicca) | Neon Plastic Lotus

  5. Pingback: “That never happened, because I said so!” | Neon Plastic Lotus

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